My current reading

So, currently, I am reading IT by Stephen King. I knew it was a pretty large book (totalling some 1300 pages), but I don't think it ever really sunk in how long it actually is. Like, I've been reading it on and off for a good few days now, and I'm only like 5% of …

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Busy, Busy, Busy

So, I've been busy today. Not intentionally so, as by now, you should know I'm not really the most proactive person to ever grace the folds of the internet. But! Today, I pulled out all the stops. It was super busy in work. I hardly felt like I had a chance to stop, from the …

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That's how training courses make me feel. Today, I was on a course for IT Service Management, and I don't know whether it's just my general lack of interest, or I just couldn't get into the course, but I just felt sleepy throughout the entire thing. Maybe it just wasn't something that interests me? I'm …

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