My current reading

So, currently, I am reading IT by Stephen King.

I knew it was a pretty large book (totalling some 1300 pages), but I don’t think it ever really sunk in how long it actually is.

Like, I’ve been reading it on and off for a good few days now, and I’m only like 5% of the way through it, and that just seems nuts to me.

I’m hoping it’s one of those ones that once you really get it going it goes quickly, or that once you settle in for a good reading session time flies by.

At the moment, I think King is still setting up his characters, so it’s going a little slowly, but that’s okay. I actually kinda wanted a book where I would really get stuck into it. I’ve been reading books so quickly so far this year that I don’t really think I’ve taken the time to get to know the characters and I think this will be that moment for me.

So, hopefully it’ll take me through now for a good few weeks as I prepare for my big move.

Gah, there’s so much I have to do, but reading is my biggest love and I’m going to continue with IT, even if I do end up reading in small fragments.

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