Welcome to the New Year!

Or the New Decade as I should say?

I hope everyone has been doing well in my absence. I can’t believe it’s been like 5 months since my last update.

I’ve actually been thinking of this blog post for a long time, thinking when I should write it, and I just never got around to it.

I actually don’t have an excuse for why I didn’t post. I’m really sorry for not posting, and I feel eternally grateful for not posting anything.

But, I was happy.

As many of you know, I used this blog as a place to vent and rant and complain about everything that was going on in my life, but for once, I didn’t really have anything to complain about, and even then when I had time to post on my blog, I just never got around to it.

Alas, it is now the New Year, and I’m evoking the New Year, New Me laws and I’m going to try and be more organised with my life.

I’ve been in Korea for 6 months now, how crazy is that?

Not to be that expat abroad, but I feel like I’ve changed so much since I got here. I’ve relaxed a lot, in a sense. Before I moved, I was so anxious about things, and now I’m feeling so much happier and relaxed and if things don’t go the way I plan them to, then I don’t think too much on it anymore.

In the six months I’ve been here, I’ve been to Jinju, Daegu, Busan (so many times), and Seoul outside of my hometown Changwon.

I got sick 3 times, and I’m probably due round 4, but I’m drinking so many different herbal teas to try and avoid it. So fingers crossed that I don’t get sick again this winter.

But honestly, I’ve just been happy with everything. Teaching sometimes stresses me out and I don’t always feel like I’m a good teacher, but then I don’t think there’s ever going to be an amazing and the most perfect teacher.

I’m already planning on staying in Korea for another year. I’m not ready to go back to the reality that I faced last time when I was home.

Sure, I get a little lonely sometimes, but I have my books and I’m studying Korean all the time, and I’m trying to learn the language to the best of m ability so I can talk to people better.

Korea isn’t all roses and daisies sometimes either. I’ve encountered plenty of negatives about the country as I’ve stayed here. Here are a few things I didn’t anticipate when I moved here:

  1. Most of the crisps/chips are sweet and not salty.
  2. most food is sweet and not salty.
  3. There are a lot of cults.
  4. People stare at you because you’re foreign.
  5. I sometimes miss British chocolate.

It’s mostly food related, and the sweet food I’ve kind of gotten used to now, so the food is negligible most of the time. I do miss a good packet of Walkers Prawn Cocktail crisps sometimes though.

I have learnt that sushi is definitely not for me. Kimchi is definitely a grower and now I have kimchi at home with a lot of meals.

I do miss my old job sometimes. My job now is so different to the quiet library I used to work in. I also miss a lot of the people I worked with, I swear sometimes it’s just you get one group of people and they all just get along well and compliment each other well, that was definitely my old job.

I’m kind of getting used to the whole expat abroad where you constantly have to be looking for new friends all the time because a lot of the friends I’ve made are leaving the country soon and that makes me kind of sad.

After I finish my contract here, I’m looking to move to Seoul. Not because I hate Changwon, I have actually really enjoyed my time in Changwon, and will be sad to leave, there’s just slightly more happening in Seoul and the foreigner community is so much bigger than it is in Changwon.

That’s basically most of my rambling for today.

I sincerely hope everyone’s had a good time and is well and looked after.

I’m going to try and be more active on this blog again, I’ve even scheduled Thursday for my next blog post, so I’ll try my best.

Routine is always the best way forward, right?

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