Eric the Squirrel

So, on my breaks in work, I’ve started feeding the birds and the squirrel.

My university is on a park, so naturally, we get a lot of wildlife running around the campus. For example, last week, we had a seagull in the library. A not so little baby one who just wandered in as if it owned the place. On Monday, we had a magpie who got lost inside the library, and so on and so forth.

Being on a park close to the beach has it’s ups and downs in terms of seeing a lot of animals. The biggest downside is you literally can’t eat outdoors without being swarmed, but sometimes it’s cute seeing international students getting all excited about squirrels and stuff coming up to them and literally demanding they share their food.

So, I usually feed the birds and one squirrel who is a regular which has been named Eric.

Eric the squirrel is a confident squirrel, or maybe that’s just through the months of being constantly fed. Whichever the case, Eric knows me, and now I always carry peanuts in my bag to feed him.

A lot of people find it weird, but I don’t mind. Eric probably has a lot of his own food, but he’s a constant for me and I don’t mind feeding him. It’s quite funny watching the way people react when he runs up to my hand and takes the peanuts from me.

That’s my story for today!

Eric is an interesting squirrel, and I shall be spending all weekend with him at the library. I am armed and ready to go.

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